Monday, December 29, 2008
life must go on~
quite long didnt write to my blog.
about a week i feel so down n stress..
yeah i try to pretend i'm ok but not.
i try to love him but i cant.
i try to share with her but i cant.
in fact i will cry, and think no one will know wut inside my heart n how i feel.
why diz things happen to me.
wut my mistakes.
because i make it to her.
and now become to me?
seems like her happy with her life at her hometown.
dunno la.
just want to say, i need her.
even i mad u, i msg u say dat i need a tyme.
actually i need u.
plss understand.
about a week i feel so down n stress..
yeah i try to pretend i'm ok but not.
i try to love him but i cant.
i try to share with her but i cant.
in fact i will cry, and think no one will know wut inside my heart n how i feel.
why diz things happen to me.
wut my mistakes.
because i make it to her.
and now become to me?
seems like her happy with her life at her hometown.
dunno la.
just want to say, i need her.
even i mad u, i msg u say dat i need a tyme.
actually i need u.
plss understand.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
besday wish~!
last two days i'm going celebrate paan gf besday. thats girl name jia.
really had fun dat nyte,
firstly its tyme dat my coming back.
;) i mish the moment when i'm with my friends.
i wish her besides me.
;) nyway thnks to paan. for invited me. really enjoyed dat nyte at barcelona sunway.
thnks to d' for pick me n sent me back at home even she so sleepy.
thnks to amier for make me feel she the great sister. really mish u.
u guys rawks that nyte. yeah~
really had fun dat nyte,
firstly its tyme dat my coming back.
;) i mish the moment when i'm with my friends.
i wish her besides me.
;) nyway thnks to paan. for invited me. really enjoyed dat nyte at barcelona sunway.
thnks to d' for pick me n sent me back at home even she so sleepy.
thnks to amier for make me feel she the great sister. really mish u.
u guys rawks that nyte. yeah~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
1) What's the age difference between you and your eldest sibling?
: 2 year 8 months ;P
2) Do you believe that there's always room in your heart for your first true love?
: yes i do.
3)Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
: no. we are good frends
4) Why did you hug the last person you hugged?
: because i care
5)Do you have unlimited texting?
: My life story in form of written text
6) Do you have trust issues?
: so-so
7) Where will you be tonight?
: At home.
8) Who are you texting?
: right now? no one.
9) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
: yes, i do.
10) How many showers do you take a day?
: one. ahaha.
12) Are you mean?
: Depends on what kind of people I deal with.
13)Who do you trust the most in your life?
: My family
14) Do you have a bank account?
: Of course!
15) Would you change your name?
: Nope. I love my own name.
16) What is your zodiac sign?
: sagittatrius
17) If the person who hurt you the most in your life apologized and told you they loved you what would you do?
: The person must show some proof b4 i could accept him/her.
18) Last time you had a yummy chocolate ice cream?
: last 2 weeks
19) Do you feel like you're a good person?
: yes. ehehe
20) Do you believe your ex thinks about you?
: ahahaha i dunthink so.
21) Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
: hmm long hair.
22) What about on the opposite sex?
: :P a lots of love.
23) Do you like french fries?
: mc/d fries.
24) When is the next time you're going away?
: last weeks.
25) When's your birthday?
: dis becoming. 15 dec.
26) Do you know your most recent ex's birthday?
: all of y closer ex. yeah~!
27) Do you like to work with little kids?
: depends on their responses
28) Where are your parents?
: sleeping
29) Where's your crush at?
: there's diefferences btw crush n love one. one on my mind.
30) Do you love them?
: yes i do.
31. What do you miss most about your past?
: secondary school tyme.
32)When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
: hmm raye. my dad.
33)Who's your favorite artist?
: pcd.
34) What do you carry with you at all times?
: hand phone.
35)Who is the last person of the opposite sex that made you smile?
: him.
: 2 year 8 months ;P
2) Do you believe that there's always room in your heart for your first true love?
: yes i do.
3)Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
: no. we are good frends
4) Why did you hug the last person you hugged?
: because i care
5)Do you have unlimited texting?
: My life story in form of written text
6) Do you have trust issues?
: so-so
7) Where will you be tonight?
: At home.
8) Who are you texting?
: right now? no one.
9) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
: yes, i do.
10) How many showers do you take a day?
: one. ahaha.
12) Are you mean?
: Depends on what kind of people I deal with.
13)Who do you trust the most in your life?
: My family
14) Do you have a bank account?
: Of course!
15) Would you change your name?
: Nope. I love my own name.
16) What is your zodiac sign?
: sagittatrius
17) If the person who hurt you the most in your life apologized and told you they loved you what would you do?
: The person must show some proof b4 i could accept him/her.
18) Last time you had a yummy chocolate ice cream?
: last 2 weeks
19) Do you feel like you're a good person?
: yes. ehehe
20) Do you believe your ex thinks about you?
: ahahaha i dunthink so.
21) Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
: hmm long hair.
22) What about on the opposite sex?
: :P a lots of love.
23) Do you like french fries?
: mc/d fries.
24) When is the next time you're going away?
: last weeks.
25) When's your birthday?
: dis becoming. 15 dec.
26) Do you know your most recent ex's birthday?
: all of y closer ex. yeah~!
27) Do you like to work with little kids?
: depends on their responses
28) Where are your parents?
: sleeping
29) Where's your crush at?
: there's diefferences btw crush n love one. one on my mind.
30) Do you love them?
: yes i do.
31. What do you miss most about your past?
: secondary school tyme.
32)When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
: hmm raye. my dad.
33)Who's your favorite artist?
: pcd.
34) What do you carry with you at all times?
: hand phone.
35)Who is the last person of the opposite sex that made you smile?
: him.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
for today~!
1) What is your boyfriend/girlfriends name?
:xmo mention leh?
2) What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
3) What are you listening to right now?
:: my mum membebel.
4) Whats your favorite number?
:: 7 n 8
5) What was the last thing you ate?
:: rendang mama.
6) When was the last time you smiled?
:: tadi. coz ino kena marah.
7) How is the weather right now?
:: hot~!
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
:: emma.
9) What is your worst habit?
:: shake my leg.
11) Do you drink?
:: ??
12) Do you smoke?
:: tension try gak.
13) When was the last time, if ever, blacked-out from drinking?
:: cannot remember it.
14) Hair color?
:: black..
15) Eye Color?
:: black..
16) Do you wear contacts?
:: no~!
17) Favorite Holiday?
:: going to sea..
18) Favorite Month?
:: december. yeah~ its holiday n my besday.
19) Have you ever cried for no reason?
:: hahaha. yes.
20) What was the last movie you watched?
:: james bond.
21) Favorite Day of the Year?
:: saturday night fever.
22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
:: yes. sumtyme.
23) Last advice you received?
:: last nite.
24) What was the highlight of your weekend?
:: hari raya haji.
25) Chocolate or Vanilla?
:: vanilla babeh~
26) What is the last text message you received?
:: go rest. nything msg.
27) What is the last text message you sent?
:: i tired helping m mum.
28) Who was the last person to call you?
:: emma.
29) What books are you reading?
:: no books. n'paper only.
30) When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
::3 days ago.
31) Favorite movie?
:: bring it on.
32) Favorite football team?
:: the blues. of coz chelsea.
33) What were you doing before this?
:: eating.
34. Any pets?
:: cats. cute2.
36) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
:: butter..
37) Dogs or cats?
:: cats..
38) Favorite flowers?
:: rose n carnation.
39) When was the last time you got in trouble?
:: dunno.
41) Have you ever loved someone?
:: yes,of course
42) Who would you like to see right now?
:: wan kat kpg.
43) Are you still friends with people from kindergarten ?
:: hmm no.
44) Have you ever fired a gun?
:: yes. best~!
45) Do you like to travel by plane?
:: yes..
46) What website do you frequently visit?
:: blogger, myspace, facebook, frendster, yahoo.
47) If you could be with someone right now, who would it be?
:: her..
48) How many pillows do you sleep with?
:: 6 -8. bestnye byk bantal.
49) Are you missing someone?
:: yes.
50) Do you have a Tattoo?
:: nope..
:xmo mention leh?
2) What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
3) What are you listening to right now?
:: my mum membebel.
4) Whats your favorite number?
:: 7 n 8
5) What was the last thing you ate?
:: rendang mama.
6) When was the last time you smiled?
:: tadi. coz ino kena marah.
7) How is the weather right now?
:: hot~!
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
:: emma.
9) What is your worst habit?
:: shake my leg.
11) Do you drink?
:: ??
12) Do you smoke?
:: tension try gak.
13) When was the last time, if ever, blacked-out from drinking?
:: cannot remember it.
14) Hair color?
:: black..
15) Eye Color?
:: black..
16) Do you wear contacts?
:: no~!
17) Favorite Holiday?
:: going to sea..
18) Favorite Month?
:: december. yeah~ its holiday n my besday.
19) Have you ever cried for no reason?
:: hahaha. yes.
20) What was the last movie you watched?
:: james bond.
21) Favorite Day of the Year?
:: saturday night fever.
22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
:: yes. sumtyme.
23) Last advice you received?
:: last nite.
24) What was the highlight of your weekend?
:: hari raya haji.
25) Chocolate or Vanilla?
:: vanilla babeh~
26) What is the last text message you received?
:: go rest. nything msg.
27) What is the last text message you sent?
:: i tired helping m mum.
28) Who was the last person to call you?
:: emma.
29) What books are you reading?
:: no books. n'paper only.
30) When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
::3 days ago.
31) Favorite movie?
:: bring it on.
32) Favorite football team?
:: the blues. of coz chelsea.
33) What were you doing before this?
:: eating.
34. Any pets?
:: cats. cute2.
36) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
:: butter..
37) Dogs or cats?
:: cats..
38) Favorite flowers?
:: rose n carnation.
39) When was the last time you got in trouble?
:: dunno.
41) Have you ever loved someone?
:: yes,of course
42) Who would you like to see right now?
:: wan kat kpg.
43) Are you still friends with people from kindergarten ?
:: hmm no.
44) Have you ever fired a gun?
:: yes. best~!
45) Do you like to travel by plane?
:: yes..
46) What website do you frequently visit?
:: blogger, myspace, facebook, frendster, yahoo.
47) If you could be with someone right now, who would it be?
:: her..
48) How many pillows do you sleep with?
:: 6 -8. bestnye byk bantal.
49) Are you missing someone?
:: yes.
50) Do you have a Tattoo?
:: nope..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
smile always.
bored day.

Can you take this without deleting any questions?
:: no problem ;) ::
What's going on between you and the last person you kissed?
:: we had a lil bit crisis. :( ::
What was your worst mistake in your life?
:: make her sick. do i? ::
You're walking down the street with your true love, where are you going?
:: shopping kowt ::
What's something you really want right now, be honest?
:: go back to jb and meet her. ::
Three feelings at the moment?
:: missing, bored, hungry ::
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
:: now i think ::
Does anything hurt on your body?
:: sakit pale~! ::
Who was the last person to disappoint you?
:: her.. ::
Do you still talk to that person?
:: yes, last nyte. ::
What are you listening to right now?
:: chris brown - with you ::
Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?
:: yes. saket~!::
Do you know someone in jail?
:: yes::
What about in DH?
:: wut the hell it is? ::
Where were you at 2:00 this morning?
:: at my big bed~! hehehe ::
Who did you copy this from?
:: hmm sum frens at friendster ::
Wheres the weirdest place you've changed clothes?
:: toilet kat pd. jauh dhla kotor ::
Do you wear glasses?
:: no~! ::
Who do you love?
:: family~! ::
What's the cd in your player?
:: rnb hits 2008 ::
Anything annoys you right now?
:: no~ ::
Who was the last person to make you cry?
:: her again~! ::
Anybody you're looking forward to seeing soon?
:: i mish my bestie, emma ::
Is there a friend particularly that you miss?
:: yeahh ::
What will you be doing in a half hour?
:: makan~! ::
What is your underwear color?
:: hahaha, white~!::
Anywhere you'd rather be right now?
:: genting, i want a nearest cool place ::
Are you going anywhere for the next summer?
:: hahaha m'sia de summer? ::
Do you have plans today?
:: watching movies? ::
Are you waiting for anyone's call rightnow?
:: yes, where? hello? ::
Friday, December 5, 2008
i'm back~!
quite long i didt write to my blog i think.
hmm i just came back from johor.
think dat i cn rest at there but no i think..
i dunno why of all this happen to me.
i'm tired la.
did i make it?
if allah give all of these to me did i must ignore it?
so wut do u think?
i want u to know dat i need u.
u already make a decision.
take care of your family.
think for your future.
not only me..
quite long i didt write to my blog i think.
hmm i just came back from johor.
think dat i cn rest at there but no i think..
i dunno why of all this happen to me.
i'm tired la.
did i make it?
if allah give all of these to me did i must ignore it?
so wut do u think?
i want u to know dat i need u.
u already make a decision.
take care of your family.
think for your future.
not only me..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
lame xtulis blog aite..
hmm at last abis juga semester 6 nie.
wahhh byk btul dugaan..
;) hope i will passed with successful results.
hye syg..
mish u.. sorry of all the things dat i have done..
i didnt mean to lie to u.
i do luv u.
why u send all my stuff back..
but bird2 x pulak kan.
saje je..
nway love u 24/7.
lame xtulis blog aite..
hmm at last abis juga semester 6 nie.
wahhh byk btul dugaan..
;) hope i will passed with successful results.
hye syg..
mish u.. sorry of all the things dat i have done..
i didnt mean to lie to u.
i do luv u.
why u send all my stuff back..
but bird2 x pulak kan.
saje je..
nway love u 24/7.
Friday, October 31, 2008
my answer~
- syg, i'm fine.
- my flu is getting better.
- i didnt have a mood to eat lately this. can make me kurus kan?
- my final preparation is ok. i study. u dun worry. i xmain2 n enjoy2 je. k?
- me ok syg.
- my life is so bored. i have a lots of probs. i gonna share with u later.
- i want to see your foot.and i never forget.
- just want u to know that i mish u, and i love u forever.
- take care~
- mwahsx7x.
Monday, October 27, 2008
its already 3 dAys i keep quiet with her.
why? because i need a tyme to think bout all of this.
i'm tired actually.
a lots of things i must finished before my final exam.
so hope that she understand.
i just need some space to give me breathing.
now, i feel 'serba sAlah".
i not a 'kejam' person okayh.
nway take care..
why? because i need a tyme to think bout all of this.
i'm tired actually.
a lots of things i must finished before my final exam.
so hope that she understand.
i just need some space to give me breathing.
now, i feel 'serba sAlah".
i not a 'kejam' person okayh.
nway take care..
Friday, October 24, 2008
sorry bout last nyte.
never thought dat will happen again..
i didnt mean for that.
i wish i'm free of dis game.
seriously.. i love u so much..
( sorry if i 'hempas' pintu kuat2.. )
and now..
i need tyme for rest.
for release my tension..
take care..
nway mish u to0..
p/s - jgn tendang pintu lagi. xmo syg org tempang~
sorry bout last nyte.
never thought dat will happen again..
i didnt mean for that.
i wish i'm free of dis game.
seriously.. i love u so much..
( sorry if i 'hempas' pintu kuat2.. )
and now..
i need tyme for rest.
for release my tension..
take care..
nway mish u to0..
p/s - jgn tendang pintu lagi. xmo syg org tempang~
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
- settle communication and change presentation...
- demam + selsema + batuk ( pakej sgt! )
- asian pol test.
- italy speaking test.
Kutuliskan sebuah cerita cinta segitiga
Dimana aku lah yang jadi peran utama
Aku tak dapat membohongi segala rasa
Aku mencintai dia dan dirinya
Nanti pukul satu dia menemui aku
Maka jangan kamu pasang wajahYang cemburuCoda
nanti bila dia datang menemui aku
maka cepat-cepat kamu ngumpet dulu
: Dan aku sudah pernah bilang pacarku bukan Cuma kamu saja
Ku mempunyai dua hati
Yang telah siap di gali
Kan aku sudah pernah bilang
Janganlah kamu terlalu sayangDan bila nanti kau menghilang
Ku masih punya lelaki cadangan
Dimana aku lah yang jadi peran utama
Aku tak dapat membohongi segala rasa
Aku mencintai dia dan dirinya
Nanti pukul satu dia menemui aku
Maka jangan kamu pasang wajahYang cemburuCoda
nanti bila dia datang menemui aku
maka cepat-cepat kamu ngumpet dulu
: Dan aku sudah pernah bilang pacarku bukan Cuma kamu saja
Ku mempunyai dua hati
Yang telah siap di gali
Kan aku sudah pernah bilang
Janganlah kamu terlalu sayangDan bila nanti kau menghilang
Ku masih punya lelaki cadangan
I Am Someone
I am someone
I walked past a dead faceeven though the person was alive
I saw my eyes in the mirrorand cried at the sight
I looked at a person
I didn't know
and I met a friendI got heads to turn
when I walked pastI learned a lot about myself
when I lost a new friend
I cried every tear in my bodywhen
I thought about love
I got hit badthen got back in the ring
I climbed a mountain of rocksand saw an eagle fly over- head
I heard terrible things about myselfwhen no one thought
I was listeningI realized I was strongwhen I didn¹t cry when it hurt
I found out who I waswhen I was with someone else
I thought I was lost forever
when a friend found me
I held a life in my handand it was my ownI was a pawn in someone else's game
so I surrendered to a brook
I walked the fine line between survivingand not wanting to survive
I still am
I am someone
I walked past a dead faceeven though the person was alive
I saw my eyes in the mirrorand cried at the sight
I looked at a person
I didn't know
and I met a friendI got heads to turn
when I walked pastI learned a lot about myself
when I lost a new friend
I cried every tear in my bodywhen
I thought about love
I got hit badthen got back in the ring
I climbed a mountain of rocksand saw an eagle fly over- head
I heard terrible things about myselfwhen no one thought
I was listeningI realized I was strongwhen I didn¹t cry when it hurt
I found out who I waswhen I was with someone else
I thought I was lost forever
when a friend found me
I held a life in my handand it was my ownI was a pawn in someone else's game
so I surrendered to a brook
I walked the fine line between survivingand not wanting to survive
I still am
I am someone
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
balik kampung.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
penatla ayah~!
i'm so tired... because...
i'm so tired... because...
- kemas umah..
- minum air tebu byk sgt..
- xckup tdo..
- menari poco2. hahahaha ..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
gath with family~
all my family at home. watching macam2 aznil make us laughing all the tyme.
its was a great tyme to gath with my family. :)
crazy raya video~!
diz video is crazy from us. feat diana, ezzeline, maya & zila
its 2 years ago video actually.
at puncak perdana. mish it. mish my friends..
raya FEVER~
Friday, September 26, 2008
i have four~!

this is zack aka hamster. she love to bite me. arghhh sakit taw. ok she is crazy beb. she want to kill me when i'm telling the truth story bout her new gf. hahahaha.. but now she become ladies. does she cant? hehehe.. but she so cute la. die bdk tecik lagi la. she also happy with her new lyfe already. aite?? hope zack happy with ida. :)
hurm meet my achen aka mr.se7en. i love achen. she my greatest. she is the only one dat really understand me and accepted me the way i are. n when i'm with her i can d=feel the love dat she gave to me. actually i know her from my ex also. she wants to help me then we fall in love. :) diz 8 october her besday n our 1 year annivesary. so sweet~! ignore wut people 'dengki' with us. just want them to know. no matter wut. we 100% in love~!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
did u know dat i luf u~!

today i feel so tired..with my asian politic class early in the morning..
with my stomach that really killing me.
then last night i keep fighting with this person.. why huh?? do i too jealous?? i think so of that stopid monkey name "kera".. arghh wtf~!
opsss its ramadhan..
sorry.. but i just want this person to know that i care, i love that why i being like this. this is me. u know me well. right??
Community Project at Seremban..

End of this even, our lecturer pak lah belanja weol eat at man seafood. it's so delicious. seriously even we all lastly celebrate our independence day at the bus..
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