ok.. smlm i kuar. with my dearest bestie.
after i done all my work as a daughter, i out.
even i was so sleepy.
i go to kak nora production for casting.
yeahhh for her new drama.
then after done, i went to the curve.
i'm hungry and sgtla teringin nk makan tempayaki.
then i meet afee..
we talk about ur own zodiak.
impressing us. afee sgtla concern about zodiak.
siap bwk buku. wow.. then emma mcm xle terima.
so far in dat books saying alots of sign of zodiak.
me as a saggittarius was...
- lucky person
- i was a fire
- suitable with tanah.
- easygoing
- sensitive
- concern
- mengalah
- love beach cities
- choosen people to be my friends (ops)
- norah jones song is suit with me.
- notty daughter
- susah utk difahami.
owhhh afee... i want dat book.. please..
then i meet my adeq. amier. was sgtla ilang rindu. then i lepak at her house. mcm biasa. seorg kakak yg membebel and skit touching dgn amier yg semakin melupakan aku. waaaaaaa sedey. then dorg mendgr la rintihan emma. sangatla fun.
after dat we went back. i dh tertido dlm kereta, sbb ngntok but kiteorg g mkn dulu. sbb lapar lagi. jam pun dh almost 1 am. mkn di area rmhku je. then i got phone call dat makes me sgtla ilang selera mkn.
owhhh gosh. easier to say to break off without askin how bout my feeling. n i was so sad because my mum yg start this. kenapa nak mengadu. kan dh bgtau pergi mana. npe mcm aku ni bdk kecik je die buat. aku dh besar. and u.. i'm tired with u.always trust other people than me. now the whole day u didnt call n msg? feel free huh?? last dat i know u're going shah alam?? for what?? meet dat sundal?? thnks 4 everything. i hate you~
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