Tuesday, April 7, 2009

happy kembali~

mcm berkurun je xtulis blog..
agak tgh sedey..
=] now i try to make a new life..

bg sy, kehadiran shbat mmg dpt memberikan impak besar..
=] them make me happy..
mcm ari ni.. adenye ummi and beb..
dorg meghappykan aku..

today sy puasa.. sbb xde selara mkn lebih baik puasa..
kan kan??
=] then fir pun blaja mkn..
sweetkan kwn2 sy.
syg korg..
i think this is my life..
if he dont need me..
i should go away..

1 comment:

Cik bunga mawar said...

chill k...

life must go on, and to start a NEW life,u need to move on..dun get stuck with the old stuff thingy...
