yeay i got dis . .
"Hai, How are you ? Sorry coz im not contact you for the few time. My YM is hacked by spam so i cant log in to YM. How my son ? I read your blog and saw his photo. He so damn cute now.. So many things i knew about you by your blog and sometimes i rase sangat-sangat jeles bile u tulis bout reen.. but its ok seen i know who i am to you.. Sorry b'coz i tell you this.. i just miss you so much.. just take ok ? and dont forget to kiss danish for me.. bye ! "
me and reen is over, i dun need him nymore. hopefully .
today bgn awal, tdo pun awal smlm smpi xbgn sahur. then masak awal kemas umah semua keja settle awal, btul kata mama, bgn pagi keja pun siap cpt . xpnas. ptg leh relax. ehe.
kul 1 d dtg dgn farah . haaaa bwk kfc. siot je diorg . hampeh . due2 xpuasa. ehe.
then ari ni tgk danish, makin bulat. seronok die sehat. mcm xcaye je aku pndi gak jage anak. ehehe. nyway he's my everything. .
berbuka td abg dtg dgn kak elia, me n bakal my sis in law nak bkak boutique. so wait n see. will cmfirm it later. kak elia wanna be my share partner=] ehe best la pula. excited. nyway suka sgt tarikh ari nie. 090909 . best . daaaa nyte~
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